Gate Keeper


Welcome to the Gate-Keeper Registration System

We need to ask you a few questions, before your Gate-Keeper Unit becomes active, and you can use it.

The registration system is fully automated, but should you experience any problems,
please do not hesitate to contact our technical department, at the number printed on the back of your unit.

Please Enter the following details

Unit Cell Number:
Installed at: (Eg:South Gate or At Home or Exit Gate etc.)
Company Name:
VAT Registration No:
First Name:
Billing Address:
Post Code:
Your Cell No.:
Home Tel No.:
Work Tel No.:
Email Address:
Re-Type the Email Address:
Your Password will be sent via Email, so it
is important that the Email Address is Valid

There are 2 options for registering your unit:
Domestic Use only, for a Maximum of 15 Numbers in the Schedule or
Commercial Use, with a Maximum of 1000 Numbers in the Schedule.
Please note that there is a difference in the Annual Fee
Domestic Use: Annual Fee:  (Excl VAT) max 15 Numbers
Commercial Use: Annual Fee:  (Excl VAT) max 1000 Numbers
Register my Gate-Keeper     Click here to View the Terms and Conditions